The Chapel At Kingsmill
"Growing Spiritually Together"

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Sunday, November 12, 2023
We celebrate America's labor performance and attitude as the national holiday of Labor Day nears. America's workers
labor as individuals for opportunity and earnings from their own efforts. Each person may pursue the work he wishes and
may receive the rewards from that work. God has provided for us to make our own way as we wish. May we always be
mindful of the special country He has provided. May our wonderful America always offer the freedoms it supports for
those individuals who want all that it has to offer.

Please help us to be mindful of the vicious attack on America on September 11, 2001, and to be wary of our adversaries
from that fateful day.  We pray for the souls of the innocents who were lost on September 11, 2001.  We pray for wisdom
and guidance for our national leaders and those of our allies as we combat the evil that continues to this day.

Pray for our Country - and the world - for that matter. The love of Jesus is desperately needed in so many facets of
our lives, as well as in the lives of our leaders. The savage war actions that Russia released upon Ukraine is costing lives
and threatening world peace . We all pray for calm and reason to halt the fighting and terminate the illegal incursions
into a sovereign country.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine rages on bringing unspeakable death and destruction upon civilians, and children in
particular. There are indiscriminate attacks on schools and hospitals. There is no regard for the kinds of targets being
destroyed. We pray for a quick end to the conflict, and we are thankful for the volunteers in surrounding countries who
are working to help millions of refugees; pray for them, too.

Elizabeth has begun this school year with her Good News Club effort! Off to a nice start this year! Please pray for her
efforts and expertise in guiding these young lives.

Thad continues to have regular exams and treatments; pray for healing and comfort.

Laurieann still struggles with her treatments; successes seem slow in coming. Jesus, please give her strength and

Please pray for comfort for Ellie's grandson.

Continue to hold Ron - and the family - in prayer as he mourns the loss of Pat and adjusts to new living arrangements.

Wendy's condition is very serious, and while she's now home, she is seeking other opinions and treatments. Pray for
effective solutions and her return to full heath.

We continue to pray for Randy's healing and comfort as serious illness has returned.

We were glad to have Vince visiting with us this morning! Pray for his comfort from grief, as wife dies this year, and the
pain is deep and lingering.

Watch Zoom videos of our sermons using the Sermons tab at the upper-left side of the screen.

Please pray for the on-going efforts of Young Life and Cru staff members, especially our local ones, as they work to
keep our high school students focused on making wise decisions in their lives. We are thankful for recent staffing
events at Providence Classical School.

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